welcome to brb crying
welcome to brb crying, a heartfelt comedy podcast hosted by two thirty-something teenagers talking about what made them cry.
two filipina-american baddies posing with cry faces.
hi! we’re angela non (nins) and ariana kempis (arns). we’ve been best friends for over 20 years and have a tendency to laugh a little too hard at our own jokes. we also cry…like, a lot.
an imagined review of the podcast that reads: “‘heartfelt & hilarious with a touch of unhinged. what’s not to love??’ -a future listener, probably”
we used to save our tears for the privacy of our own homes. but as we’ve trudged along our own healing journeys, we’ve realized how much shame we still carried around being vulnerable in front of others. how much we subconsciously dismissed crying as a sign of weakness.
so we decided to change that notion, starting with ourselves. and what better way than by sobbing on air every week?
a review of the podcast that reads: “‘make your commute more enjoyable with the soothing sounds of two girls cussing at each other lovingly.’ -fan of the pod (one of our husbands but that’s beside the point)”
we had always joked about starting a podcast about crying, but for the first time ever, it felt concrete. weighty. like we could really make an impact.
not only because we’re incredibly hilarious and beautiful and intelligent (yes, it *is* possible to be all 3!!!), but because we needed to show the world that it’s okay to cry. that releasing our shame around crying can bring us closer than we ever thought possible—to ourselves and each other.
we hope you give our pod a listen. maybe you’ll cry, ideally you’ll laugh…but above all, we hope you feel safe to feel your feelings. you and your tears are always welcome here.
until next time…brb crying :’)
-nins & arns
P.S. listen to the pod or browse our episodes.
a quote from alleged fan hermione granger that reads: “i’m afraid they’re quite emotional. clever, yes, but need there be so much…crying?“