011: dads on vacation / a bridgerton (sob) story
in this episode, nins discovers a universal truth through the help of her safari guide. arns reminds us that love is a choice through "Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story".

010: puppy love / life's a blur
in this episode, arns misses her puppy of 16 years, Cosmo. nins reflects on "Blurry" by JP Saxe and being anchored by love.

009: these are my confessions / sweet summer smells
in this episode, nins reflects on Sue Zhao's intimate poem "Confessional" and accepting love at our lowest. arns basks in the sounds and scents of childhood memories with grandma through Michelle Sterling's "When Lola Visits".

008: screaming into pillows / ooh, heaven is a place online
in this episode, arns invites listeners to feel their feelings and access expansion through Victoria Song's “Bending Reality”. nins finds solace through laughter with TikTok comedian Taryn Smith's "The Heaven Receptionist" skit.

007: moms that can fly / la dolce vita
in this episode, nins shares a heartwarming mother-daughter conversation about the simplicity of love from {THE AND} by The Skin Deep. arns is inspired by artist Juna Law's opening her heart up to a second chance at life.

006: bye, b**b milk / simply the schitt
in this episode, arns laments the end of her breastfeeding journey and reflects on doing hard things. angela celebrates a fresh take on LGBTQ representation in sitcom Schitt's Creek.

005: to all our astrology girlies / we lava you
in this episode, nins finds affirmation through TikTok astrologer Meghan Rose's (@the_meghanrose) love letters to the zodiac signs. arns is touched by Pixar short "Lava" and the idea of patience as an act of love.

004: baby animal comics / 500 days of crying
in this episode, arns ponders the simplicity of life through the lens of artist Anna Laura Sullivan. nins revisits cult classic romcom (500) Days of Summer and explores how we hurt others through our harmful delusions.

003: periods are hard / other people's grandmothers
in this episode, nins gets vulnerable about living and coping with PMDD. arns celebrates immigrant grandmothers through the song “carmen” by olivia dean.

002: wait, babies grow? / billie eilish covers
in this epsiode, arns is overwhelmed by a rollercoaster of emotions around her baby’s first birthday. nins is moved by gaia music collective and the power of singing with strangers.

001: sweet dreams / grown men crying
our hosts share who they are and why crying matters. nins explores a poignant dream about self-love and arns finds beauty in quiet grief through fredrik backman’s “a man called ove” and “avatar: the last airbender”.

welcome to brb crying
welcome to brb crying, a heartfelt comedy podcast hosted by two thirty-something something teenagers talking about what made them cry.